
Sunday, 31 August 2014

27 Weeks: Maternity & Newborn Photoshoot Booked

I've been scouting for maternity and newborn photoshoot packages as I want to capture these beautiful moments of my pregnancy and baby's newborn look and expressions. I had enquired a few and finally I signed up the maternity and newborn photoshoot packages with D'Enfant in Johor Bahru, Malaysia. This studio was first introduced to me back in 2012 when my ex boss brought his family members over there and the quality of work was fantastic! I love the studio setup and the photography style, mainly using natural lighting.

However, after signing up the packages, it kind of dawned on me that how I am going to get baby darling's passport done within 2 weeks after her birth and whether it is safe to bring her over to Johor Bahru since she's still so young and her immune system may not be that strong yet as they were saying for newborn looks, it's best to capture them within the first 2 weeks. But I'd signed the package and placed the deposit. If I were to cancel the package, I'll have to forfeit the deposit. 

Over the weekends, there was a Super Mom Bazaar at Suntec City Mall. As we were walking around, I chanced upon this Korean photography studio called BabyU. I took a look at their works and I love it a lot. Again I'm in love with the natural settings, lighting and soft touch of the photos. They were having promotion and the package cost $130 $99 upon signing up at the booth. For more details of the packages, please go to: Baby U International Photo Studio

I signed this up as a backup plan. But in the end, I realised I made the right choice to sign because at least this studio is based in Singapore and its location is very near to where I am staying. I believe bringing baby out for a short while within a short distance, it should be fine. 

At the bazaar, we also bought a play mat and a carrier with hipster seat for baby darling. It turned out that the carrier's brand is from Korea. Looks like I'm a Korean infatuated mama! Haha!

We were deciding between Ergo Baby carrier and this I-Angel carrier. We had decided to go for this hipster seat carrier as it is more ergonomic for baby darling and us. At least some of baby's weight will be transferred to the hipster seat and it won't be that strenuous on our shoulders and back when we carry her around. 

At the same time, I'd also booked a postnatal massage package done by a Malay masseur. Her charges are quite cheap as compared to others. 7 sessions at $450. She will be using lemongrass oil to massage from head to toe and then apply Jamu paste or ginger lotion on the tummy and use a binding cloth to wrap my tummy for at least 6 hours. The purpose of doing this postnatal massage is to help to push the uterus back in place after giving birth and also to aid in slimming down. 

Baby darling, we are all so excited about you! Love you lots! :)

26 Weeks: Tracking Baby's Movement

Ever since that Friday where I felt less of baby's movement, I began to track her movements everyday since the beginning of week 26. 

Nurse told me that as long as baby moves 8 to 10 times within 12 hours, she is fine. As troublesome as it might seem to be, I actually enjoy tracking her movements. I can actually see a pattern forming like when she's very active and when she's sleeping.

Baby darling, words are not able to describe how much love I have for you! I just want you to be well, to be healthy, to be normal, to be strong, to be safe and to be happy everyday. I hope I am able to raise you to be a useful person, someone who is of high integrity, perseverance, disciplined and passionate in whatever things that you do. I love you, darling! :)

25 Weeks: Our First National Day with You

Dearest baby darling,

9th August is Singapore's 49th birthday! This is the first time we are celebrating this special occasion with you. Though you are still growing inside mama, we can feel your excitement that this is our country's big day!

Papa and mama hope that you will be a good citizen and do your part to contribute to society in every way you can. 

On a side note, on 8th August, mama had a scare as I didn't feel you much throughout the day. So after our antenatal class at KKH, we decided to check you out. We went to the delivery suite and the nurse asked mama to go into a room where they monitored your heartbeat. It is always such a relief to hear your galloping heartbeat. We were in the room for about half an hour. After that, a doctor came to us and did a scan for you. There you were kicking mama, but somehow I did not feel anything. After much assurance from the doctor that you are doing well, I got discharged. 

Baby darling, please continue to stay strong and mama has been praying to God to watch over you and protect you from any harm. 

Papa and mama love you a lot! :)

Saturday, 16 August 2014

24 Weeks: Routine Check Ups

Officially on the 6 months mark. Happy! On the first day of this week, we had an appointment with Dr Lawrence Ang and we had decided to sign up his antenatal package, which only costs about $550 and this amount can be offset from all the previous amounts that I had paid for the impromptu visits. Dr Ang delivers at either Thomson Medical Centre or Mount Alvernia Hospital. On the other hand, we have our primary gynae, Dr Tan Heng Hao at KKH. Kind of in a dilemma which hospital to deliver our baby darling and also under which gynae's hands.

At Dr Ang's clinic on 1 Aug 2014, baby darling was good and he offered to do  a 3D scan for us but too bad, baby darling was in the bridge position which he couldn't do the 3D scan. He said he would try again on the next visit. Baby weighed about 872g on that day.

On 5 Aug 2014, we had another appointment with our primary gynae, Dr Tan at KKH. Baby was good too and according to Dr Tan, baby weighed about 800 plus grams. However, Dr Tan looked kind of tired and restless on that day and he wasn't as chatty as he used to be. My urine tested that my glucose level was slightly on the high side but maybe due to I had just drunk a cup of hot honey lemon prior to testing my urine. Time to keep my glucose level in check.

Nonetheless, I am very happy that everything is good. Looking forward to seeing you, baby darling in November! Daddy and mummy love you lots and God loves you lots too! :)

23 Weeks: Baby Darling's Move Simply Mesmerise Me

23 weeks here we come! The feeling of having a life growing inside me is simply AMAZING! I guess this is something that the husband will never ever get to experience unless God has decided to design for men to be pregnant one day instead. 

As baby darling is growing bigger each day, I can feel her movements more and one of the nights, I managed to capture her in action! I'm definitely so thrilled to see her in action. :)

Baby darling, I love you so so so much! :)

Saturday, 2 August 2014

22 Weeks: New Clothes for Baby Darling

I am getting more and more tired easily. We also have started buying some new clothes for baby. Most of them are 0-3 months sleep suits and rompers. We have scouted for a stroller but Grandma M dissuades us to buy now because she feels that we should only get the stroller after baby is delivered. I can feel her movements more this week.

Baby darling, daddy and mummy love you lots! :)